A Coin in Nine Hands: Part Six

Guido Guidi (Roman Ruins)

3 May—2 Jun 2018
Marguerite Yourcenar’s novel, A Coin in Nine Hands (1934), follows the journey of a ten-lira coin as it travels between nine different people on a single day in Rome in 1933.

Inspired by this idea, Large Glass presents the work of a range of artists across nine parts or exhibitions over the coming nine months, revealing connections, exchanges, and highlighting some of the hidden bonds that bring artists together.

Part six of A Coin In Nine Hands presents photographic works of Ayaş, Turkey by Guido Guidi – the artist’s third solo exhibition with Large Glass. These photographs are being exhibited for the first time.

In 1998, Guidi recorded the gradually changing sunlight on the Roman ruins in Ayaş in luminous colour and contrasting black and white. Guidi took his photographs at a time when excavations of the ruins were taking place – the invitation to photograph the process was made by an archaeologist who had participated in Guidi’s workshops previously.

Although these are the ruins of long gone people and ancient culture, the sense of human beings being present is strong; the photographs show neglected places, incomplete sites – where living people appear, almost as emblems of those long gone in the passage of time.

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