A Coin In Nine Hands: Part Three

Helen Mirra and Sol LeWitt
5 Dec 2017—13 Jan 2018

Marguerite Yourcenar’s novel, A Coin in Nine Hands (1934), follows the journey of a ten-lira coin as it travels between nine different people on a single day in Rome in 1933.

Inspired by this idea, Large Glass presents the work of a range of artists across nine parts or exhibitions over the coming nine months, revealing connections, exchanges, and highlighting some of the hidden bonds that bring artists together.

Part three brings together two artistic approaches to mapping terrain, Helen Mirra’s woven sculptures and Sol LeWitt’s photographs.

Walking has been at the core of American artist Helen Mirra’s life. The walks are often an impulse for and rhythm to her weavings. They are 'maps' of her journeys. Mirra has drawn inspiration from an early work by Sol LeWitt, R601 Photo of Florence with the Stazione Centrale, Palazzo Pitti, Battistero & Palazzo Vecchio removed. This 1976 map-work is made using a simple technique of cutting, to remove certain areas from the city.

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